Rotary Connects the World !
Rotary Connects the World !
Our vision is to make a positive difference in our community through Rotary ideals locally, nationally and internationally. Through fellowship and networking the club will support and focus on youth and mental health programs that achieve positive outcomes.
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team!
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, attending our events or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
Our web site was redeveloped in February 2019. Our old site has been archived thanks to the Internet Archive. Feel free to take a look at our history as a club - there are plenty of photos!