Please read the information below before applying as important information is included
Riverside Park, 11 Monash Drive, Swan Hill
Sunday 9th March 2025
The cost of your site will be $30. A standard site is approximately 3m x 3m. If you require additional space, please discuss your requirements with the Market Co-ordinator.
A tax invoice will be provided if requested. A representative from Swan Hill Sunrise Rotary Club will collect any outstanding site fees from stall holders during the market, but please note that without payment prior to the market your site is not secured/fully booked.
Site Fee can be deposited to:
ACCOUNT NAME: Swan Hill Sunrise Rotary Club
BANK: Westpac BRANCH: Swan Hill
BSB: 033-665 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 290496
Other payment methods are now also available – please ask as we will assist with these.
• Copy of your Stallholder Public Liability Insurance
• Copy of you Foodtrader Permit
• CFA Fire permit if your stall uses gas or wood cooking
• Stallholder site fee
• Liquor Licence
· Something to display your goods on, unless a trestle table was requested.
· Chairs to sit on behind stall
· Bags to place customers purchases in
· Power leads (if you indicated you required electricity and must have current Test Tag).
· Cash float & change
· Please be aware stalls have been located in shade where possible. However you are advised to bring portable shelter if possible to protect yourself and your products from the elements.
ALL MARQUES WILL NEED TO BE WEIGHTED DOWN WITH WEIGHTS AND NOT PEGS – this is a requirement of the Swan Hill Rural City Council as there is underground/above ground sprinklers and if they are damaged in any way (by vehicles or tent pegs), then the cost to replace will be the stallholders expense.
If you have any advertising materials, flyers, posters, business cards etc you are more than welcome to display these on your site at the market. You, the stall holder, will be responsible for putting up and taking down any advertising material.
We encourage all stall holders to promote the market at every opportunity. Posters have been printed and are displayed in businesses throughout the CBD. Please tell your customers, friends etc. about the market. Should you require our printed flyers/brochures for display and distribution prior to the market please indicate how many you require and arrange for pick-up/delivery.
Our Facebook and Web page will display information/photos of stalls who register for the Market. Please advise us of any particular information you would like us to promote for you.
If you have a Facebook Page we suggest posting an item about your presence at the market and tagging our page @SwanHill.Sunrise.Rotary.Club
A copy of your certificate of currency for insurance will need to be provided prior to the event. This can be posted to the market co-ordinator, Katrina Lawry, PO Box 160, Swan Hill, Vic, 3585, or emailed to if you have no attached it to your online application.
ALL STALL HOLDERS MUST HAVE PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE, or you will not be able to participate in the Market.
The Organiser, Swan Hill Sunrise Rotary Club shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or injury that may occur to the stall holder, stall holders employees (public or other) or property, from any cause whatsoever prior, during and subsequent to the period covered by the Produce & Designer Market. The stall holder, on agreeing to participate in the Produce & Designer Market, expressly releases the Organiser Swan Hill Sunrise Rotary Club, from, and agrees to indemnify same against any and all claims for such direct and indirect loss, damage or injury.
Stall holders shall indemnify and hold harmless The Organiser, Swan Hill Sunrise Rotary Club, from all liability (damage or accident) which might ensue from any cause resulting from or connected with the transportation, placing, removal or display of exhibits.
It is strongly advised that each stall holder seek to cover their equipment, exhibits and display material with adequate insurance at the stall holder’s own expense.
It is a requirement that all participants who are selling foodstuffs Must have a current registration/notification under the Food Act 1984. Food vendors must also lodge a Statement of Trade to Swan Hill Rural City Council via Foodtrader (". A pre-filled event will be listed as “Sunrise Rotary Produce & Design Market” on Foodtrader. For assistance you may contact Environmental Health Officer at Council’s Public Health Services on 5036 2591. Event Details are:
COUNCIL TRADING IN: Swan Hill Rural City Council
LOCATION/VENUE: Riverside Park
ADDRESS: 11 Monash Drive, Swan Hill, VIC 3585
The Organisers, Rotary Club of Swan Hill Sunrise shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or injury that may occur due to bad weather on the day of Sunday 9th March 2025.
Stall holders are advised to bring portable shelter if possible to protect yourself and your products from the elements. The event organisers reserve the right to re-allocate site locations in the event of unexpected weather.
Representatives from the Swan Hill Sunrise Rotary Club will be available during the market, at the Information tent which will be located at the entrance to the market, to assist if required. Alternatively the event co-ordinator, Katrina Lawry, will be available on mobile phone no. 0409 387 787
STALL SITES: It is the responsibility of each Stallholder to leave their designated stall area clean and tidy before leaving the market. Bins will be located throughout the market site. Please remember this is a local park utilized by visitors to the town and members of the Swan Hill Community and therefore needs to be maintained to a high standard.
TOILETS: Toilets are located at the Front Entrance to the park adjacent to the Canoe Club.
FOOD VENDORS: All stall holders who sell any type of food stuff MUST HAVE Public Indemnity cover and a “Food Trader Certificate” from the Swan Hill total City Council.
Food Van Operators are NOT TO DUMP their WASTE (Oils/Fats etc) into the parks Drainage System.
FOOD LABELLING: Food Labelling Laws MUST be adhered to at all times.
A first aid checkpoint will be set up within the market environment and a number of first aid officers in attendance during the market. If first aid is required during the market, please present to the Swan Hill Sunrise Rotary Tent. Alternatively notify either a representative from the Swan Hill Sunrise Rotary Club at the information tent, or the event co-ordinator.
Katrina Lawry
Mobile: 0409 387 787 (M)